Power supply unit, variable triple output

Today I finished the project, which I started a few months ago. Three channel desktop power supply with the adjustable output voltage. In the future, I would like to add control of the current limit, but I will talk about it on another occasion.

I used two adapters, from older laptops to convert AC voltage to DC. One gives 15V DC output (a little strange output, the laptop mostly uses 19V DC, but that’s what I had, so I wanted to use it) and the other gives 19V DC.

Adapter from an old laptop, AC-DC converter
Further on, I used DC to DC (HW-411) modules purchased on eBay and 10-turn potentiometers for voltage regulation from 1.25V to 13.5V. The HW-411 is a DC-DC module with an integrated LM2596 circuit and comes with a built-in trimmer potentiometer for adjusting the output voltage. To install a 10-turn potentiometer, remove the trimmer potentiometer so that we can install a 10-turn potentiometer.
HW-411 (LM2596) DC-DC Module and 10-Turn Potentiometer
So I used three such modules and placed them on the front panel together with the panel meters, the binding post and the switch to power ON or OFF.
This is how it looks from the inside:
And that would be it, I wanted to show you how you can easily do this yourself with little effort and use old devices that usually collect dust in many homes or end up in the garbage and can still be useful.
If you choose to do this kind of device yourself, do so at your own risk. Be careful, such a device is connected to mains voltage, which can be very dangerous if you are not an expert.
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