Now that we have the software installed and ready to use, it is time to get familiar with the basic commands to successfully load the program into the microcontroller. So let’s get started!
Checking version:
pk2cmd -?V # Returned output: Executable Version: 1.20.00 Device File Version: 1.55.00 OS Firmware Version: 2.32.00 Operation Succeeded
Auto-detect PIC:
pk2cmd -P # Returned output: Auto-Detect: Found part PIC16F887. Operation Succeeded
Erase a device:
pk2cmd -P -E # Returned output: Auto-Detect: Found part PIC16F887. Erasing Device... Operation Succeeded
Blank check:
pk2cmd -P -C # Returned output: Auto-Detect: Found part PIC16F887. Device is blank Operation Succeeded
Program a device:
pk2cmd -PPIC16F887 -J -M -Ftest_write.hex # Returned output: PICkit 2 Program Report 2-1-2021, 1:17:27 Device Type: PIC16F887 Program Succeeded. Operation Succeeded
Power a device and release reset:
pk2cmd -P -A5 -T -R # Returned output: Auto-Detect: Found part PIC16F887. Operation Succeeded
Read a device:
pk2cmd -PPIC16F887 -J -R -GFtest_read.hex
# Returned output:
Read successfully.
Operation Succeeded
I believe this is enough to get started with PICkit 2 Development Programmer / Debugger on Linux OS.
Stay healthy and safe till the next time!