Split-rail linear power supply DC/15-0-15V.

Simple linear split-rail power supply for experiments with low power amplifiers and audio signals. This project is very easy to make and does not require a lot of time to make. But here you are working with mains voltage so you have to be very careful. 
So, if you are following along you are doing so at your own risk.

The project itself is easy to do and it is desirable to have this kind of power supply in the workshop. From the diagram shown in the image below we see that we need very few parts to make. We need the following components:
Fuse and Fuse holder,
Transformer 220V/18-0-18V,
Bridge rectifier,
Capacitor x 6 pcs,
Voltage regulator (positive and negative),
Project box,
Experiment board (PCB).
Making procedure:
First, we need to cut the experiment board (PCB) to size for fitting in our project box. Next, we are placing components and solder them to PCB connect tie-point together with a solid core wire. For the output connector, it’s recommended to use 4mm banana sockets in three different colors, for example, Black for GND, Red for +15V, and Blue for a -15V.
Stay healthy and safe till the next time!